Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Guest Book...Add Yourself!


The Read Family said...

Hey Brooke!! How are you?? I'm so excited that you're pregnant!! Do you know what you're having? It has been way too long since we've seen you guys!! We need to plan another BBQ soon!!

Kasey said...

Si it's been a super long time since I checked this bad boy and low and behold! YOu have nwe pictures and updates that aren't 2 years old! I'm so proud! Good job Brooke!

Kasey said...

So I just read your list and I didn't know you went to EA. So did I. How are you done in November? I thought I was a little a head of you?

Brooke and Brian said...

Well there is not a class that I am not doubling up on. Every class I take, I am always taking an additional class with it, and I told them I wanted to finish before Thanksgiving, so I should be able to finish November 17th! Cross your fingers. Cute blog, love the pics!

Brooke and Brian said...

Well there is not a class that I am not doubling up on. Every class I take, I am always taking an additional class with it, and I told them I wanted to finish before Thanksgiving, so I should be able to finish November 17th! Cross your fingers. Cute blog, love the pics!

Kasey said...

I'm going to double up. If I caould ever get ahold of my AC! I swear I'm going to have to head doen to UofP and talk to her myself! She won't return my phone calls or e-mails. I'm getting ticked!

*Ash said...

Hey Brooker!! I'm SO happy you're blogging!! I love the pic of your cute little belly! I'm excited to get to be in better touch w/ you and see your pretty little face in all your pics!

Brian and Mel said...

Hey we have a blog now it is brianandmelg.blogspot.com

*Ash said...

Brooker!! Guess what?? We're in town!!! AND, we're staying w/ Mike's bro. in Queen Creek tomorrow night!! So I'm thinkin' I'm gonna call ya and see if I can drop by and visit sometime either tomorrow or Sunday. Sounds good?? I'm excited to see you!!

Brooke and Brian said...

ASH!!! PLEASE DO!!! I would love to see you! Call me or else! =)