Saturday, January 30, 2010

We Did it Sis

I had an amazing experience these last couple of weeks. My sister Ashleigh passed away from colon cancer a few months ago and since then I have been trying to find a way to commemorate and honor her. I did that by choosing a goal that I have been trying to reach and sticking with that goal because thats what Ashleigh would do. Ashliegh was the kind of person that could accomplish anything she put her mind to, thats just who she was, she was a go-getter, and I wanted to be just like her! So this year I set a new years resolution and I made it. Actually, circumstanced permitted me to reach my goal much earlier than anticipated because I was going to allow myself a little more time to train but I am so glad I did it!

Now let me backtrack a bit...

Race day was today. It was 8:09 in the morning. I for some strange reason thought I had 20 more minuets to prepare myself for this race but as I was walking to the starting line, I was a couple yards off when I heard the announcer say "And the 10k starts, NOW". Wait, now? Crap! I scrambled to get my race number, my "champion chip", my water bottle, shades, car key, and my Ipod situated as I stumbled through the starting line...the last one through. Who really wants to be the last one through...

As I continued running I continuously passed people on the right and the left, through the mud and bumpy terrain. I was feeling good as I ran faster than most but still in the back of the pack. Every person was just another stepping stone towards the finish line for me and I was feeling great...

Then as I started slowing down and I realized I was only 2 miles into the run. In a disgruntled voice I murmured, "I have 4+ more miles to go?" I realized then that I needed to better pace I did. I started running a little slower and just as I did, I felt goosebumps, not from being cold, but from a source of strength within me that pushed me to continue my pace as before, not slowing down.

This happened various times during my run and I know these were the times that Ashleigh was with me, pushing me along, telling me its ok to run and not be weary. As I thought of her I drew strength to press forward and just when I felt ready to slow down again, I saw the finish line. At this point I pushed myself harder than I had the entire race and I didnt even feel tired.

FINISH! I had crossed the finish line! Immediately I began to feel affects of a poor prerace day diet, and a lack of nutritious prerace morning breakfast, but that didnt matter. I had finished, Ashleigh was with me, and I DID IT!

-I saw a couple running together, just ahead of me, right before the finish line. The husband had his hand on his wifes back, gently pressing her forward, pushing her. I felt that is what Ashleigh was doing for me.

I LOVE YOU SIS, thanks for running with me!

I don't have the rights to copy my picture so if you want to see me, go to and look through the pics. my number is...


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Potty Training

So, my little girl would probably kill me if she knew I put this on here (Brian probably would too) but Ryah is getting so big and growing up so fast. She has shown signs of being interested in potty training and seems to be interested in going in the potty but every time I put her on the pot to go, she just sits there, hangs out, and doesnt go, and then I put her diaper back on and she goes in it instead. I got a few good suggestions from friends to give her candy when she goes, get a singing toilet so it sings when she goes, make a big deal when she goes, but those are all "after she goes" tips, I need tips on getting her to go in the first place. One friend of mine mentioned to get a potty watch that goes off every 30 mins and when it goes off, its time to go sit on the potty. I will try that and see how that goes and if it works, Steve, you are a genius! Anyway, wish me luck, I don't know if an 18 month old can be potty trained but its worth a try. However, does anyone know if it is bad to start too soon, if that would cause them to rebel or anything that would cause them to not be trained as well/soon/young/fast/ effectively?

Friday, January 1, 2010

Tiny Mouths and Helpless Victims

This is what happens when you let your curious ambitious one year old alone for a few seconds. She pushes a chair to the table, climbs on the chair, gets on the table, and takes tiny bites out of every piece of fruit in the fruit bowl. Orange peels, apple peels, banana peels galore on the floor but a happy belly and a smiling face looks up as a victorious feet has been accomplished after pushing a chair to the table, climbing on the chair, getting on the tables, and taking tiny bites out of every piece of fruit in the fruit bowl! Gotta love them kiddos!