Monday, January 17, 2011

It's Time

It's time

That phrase rings true in so many different aspects of my life right now. And variations of that short phrase ring just as true. It's about time. It's way passed due time. It's a hard time...just to name a few.

It's time: Starting with the first one, it's time. It's time for an update. It's time to let you all know how I am and have been doing. That would take a very VERY long time, so I will paraphrase; We're good.

It's about time: It's about time my husband gets on at the plant. It's his goal and he has been doing so much for everyone else and deserves something for himself. Is that fair, to say he deserves anything? Because I think he does, but then I am not God. So who am I know say anyone deserves anything. We are already given so much, how can I say I deserve anything more. Well, I think he deserves it because of who he is and everything he does.

It's way passed due time: It's passed due time we find a place of our own. I love Brian's mom but I love my own space, time, life, and kitchen. We have been so blessed to have had her put up with us for this long, but I don't want to burden her anymore.

It's a hard time: It's a hard time to stay positive and know that everything is going to be ok. The economy being so bad doesn't help the situation any, but everyone is in the same predicament, so I am not complaining, just venting a little I guess. My sister used to vent, which I thought was a little tacky until I read the responses she received and realized how uplifting and encouraging her friends and family were.

Anyway, sorry this post is a negative, not very uplifting or interesting read, but I just wanted to let you all know I am still alive.

And, in case you didn't know, I am pregnant. Due July 23rd. Not sure what he/she is yet, but I will find out next month. BUT, I do know it's alive. So, that's good enough for me at this point! Oh, and I am done with student teaching. WOOT!


Ashley -The Cutest Blog on the Block said...

You amaze me! Keep a smile on your face sistah!

heidi said...

brooke! long time no talk to! glad to hear you guys are doing well... and CONGRATS! babies are so fun. we just had our 6th on Monday...she's a week old and it's already hard to remember what life was like without her. Keep your head up... you'll never get more than you can handle. :) love ya!