Wednesday, June 18, 2008

7lbs 17 inches

Ok, so that is a really rough estimate that my Dr. gave me yesterday, but thats what she said. Ryah is about 7 lbs and about 17 inches. But...we'll see. Here is my belly. I am sitting down, but if I were standing you would be able to tell that she's dropped quite a bit and is ready to come out!


Jeff and Ashleigh said...

So where's the standing picture, then?? Just kidding. That's a good size. Hopefully she didn't way underestimate! (I don't think she'll be huge, by the way. I'm just teasing)

Celeste Caldwell said...

Woohoo!! bring on the big baby!! I can't believe how close you are to having that baby! It is such a fun and exciting time. Oh..carter was 8lbs 12 she still has a week or two to catch up..ha ha!!

Jones Family said...

7 pounds is a nice healthy weight. 17 pounds seems small though. But babies grow so fast right at the end. Kingston was 21 inches!

Jones Family said...

Ha ha...I meant 17 inches not 17 pounds! That would be one big baby ;) nice typo

The Wagners said...

Dude, hasn't she popped yet? Or I s'pose it would be you doing the popping. Anyway, so since you said that I can't go before you, give me a call when you go into labor and then I'll go into labor and you can have yours like 1 min before me k? I like that idea because that would mean that I would be early!!! (or you would be waaaayyy late ... let's not do that)

Bushman's said...

Hey Brooke
I love your baby. We would love to come see you when you have her.

Jami Bushman

Check out our blog

heidi said...

baby, baby, baby... you are all baby!!! cute, cute... so when do YOU think she will make an appearance???