Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Yet another update!

You are so lucky because I am updating my blog twice in one week! Wahoo! Ok, so I am a little over zealous and you probably could care less whether I updated or not, but I have some time and a computer so I figure why not! =)

Ryah has had some interesting things happen the last few days...
If you didnt see my facebook said something like this..."

A trip to the Urgent Care, a sapository, a shot, and a 75 dollar co-pay later and she is finally asleep."

And all that has nothing to do with these cute pics.
Ryah is holding an ice pack to keep her burns cold. The glove is also part of this story
And so is the sock on her hand.
You intrigued yet? Here is the story...

Sunday Ryah decided to climb up on the stove by putting one foot on the drawer under the oven and both hands on the oven door handle and she pulled herself up so her head popped up just above the stove top. I was cooking on the stove top so it was bright orange. That seemed to intrigue her to the point where she felt she needed to touch the bright orange-ness. Everytime I tell her, "hot" she usually listens and stays away, but this time she put her hand right on top of it and she felt the "hot" that I was referring to. So,

She has A&D ointment on all four fingers, a band aid on each finger to keep the ointment on, a little mit to keep her from pulling the band aids off, and a wet sock to keep it cold. Is there a better remedy for burning fingertips on a bright orange burner, as hot as hot can be?

And that has nothing to do with the visit to urgent care...104 degree temperature is no good temp for a baby. She is much better now though, hand and head are doing fine!


ensman said...

THat crazy girl!! She will probably listen to you now when you say HOT! My nephew did the same thing and for years he would point to his hand and say "HOT!"

Stephanie said...

That is about the only way I learn:) I have to get burned to realize what I was being told was actually the truth. I am glad she is ok and it didn't turn out any worse!