So I fed my little girl peas today and she did much better than I thought. She LOVED them!!!
She was still hungry after I fed her peas so she ate her toes.
So this is my daughter...sleeping.
First she crawls all around her crib because she is not ready to go to sleep,then she tries to pull herself up,
then she gets too tired and falls asleep with her face against the side of the crib and crinks her poor neck so I have to lay her flat...
Yes, she is asleep right there. I had to go in and lay her down so she didn't wake up with a soar neck
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Yay for baby food
Christmas and other fun pics...
Some fun pics I took in B&WI took this picture because my sister in law was feeding her little girl Kyra and Kyra was kicking her feet and my little girl just loved trying to catch her feet. It was so cute! Ryah is holding Kyras toes in this picture.
We were hanging out and I couldn't help but adore how cute my little one was so I snapped a few pics.
I made that headband.
Here is her tooth, there are two. You can only see one, but the second one is coming in also.
Some pics in our Christmas outfits...well, Ryah's Christmas dress (thanks sis) and me and Brian's regular Sunday clothes.
Here is the pic of her first tooth without the other one coming in yet...and her new Christmas PJ's. Thanks gramma (Frost).
Kickin it in Flag. It was cold, but I am from the valley, hence the flip flops...
The beautiful mountain.
More pics of her one tooth
We went outside to watch daddy play basketball and it was FREEZING, literally, it was like 10 degrees outside, so I bundled her up in her new Christmas jammies, and her new Christmas beenie and her new Christmas blanket that her aunts made her.
Eating in her new booster chair we got her for Christmas
Hangin out with dad in her "Baby's first Christmas PJ's
Playing in her excersaucer, being cute.
Playing with her book she got from Santa in her stocking
Friday, December 19, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
My cute little girl is getting so big
So, I walked into her room because she woke up from her nap and was cooing...she had rolled over her back and loaded her diaper! What a cutie!Here she is trying to pull herself up. I might have to raise the side of her crib pretty soon.
And tada! She did's blurry cause I wanted to hurry to take the picture before she fell over.
And here she is trying to read...although, I don't think she is getting very far! =)
Here she is being a big girl again...I cant believe how fast she is growing.
Some more cute pics...