Read Online Chevy 6 0 Starter Wiring Diagram
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Wiring D...
4 years ago
Gotta love it! I love when it doesn't even get in their diaper it just goes straight up the back!
Ha ha that awesome you thought to take pics of all that! I'm sure she's gonna love em when she gets older!.. I know i would :) REALLY! That's so funny! That's when you say, "Brian, it's your turn" :)
Well, I did (say Brian, it's your turn). He denied me, so I just took her clothes off and jumped in the shower...I figured that would be easier than trying to wipe all her poo around! =) Plus, she loves her showers/baths!
Why did you put mustard all over her back?
Gross you actually took a picture of that? Time to stop using swaddlers and upgrade to...costco brand or huggies supreme (they have that stretchy protective thing for the back side). I love pampers for the absorbing the pee, but I've leaned toward the huggies supreme with the 2nd kiddo that poops alot more. Good luck with grossness...gotta love motherhood!
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