I wanted to put a few things in words before I forget.
Some things Ryah says:
Beepee=Peepee (Haha)
Some animal sounds she makes:
Some things Ryah signs:
Thank You
All done
Help (which is really just holding her hand out for me to grab and help her)
Night Night (really just blows kisses)
More food please or more milk please (she will do all three signs to make a sentence)
Funny things Ryah does:
Blows on her food.
Bites my toes to make me laugh
Raspberrys (blows on) her arm or hand to make the noise
Holds the phone up to the ear and blabs or laughs like she is talking to someone
Lays down on a pillow and snores (wonder where she got that from)
Picks up Pooh Bear (bigger than she is) and wrestles him
Pulls herself up (litterally does a pull up) on anything, but mostly the freezer and the oven handels
Smacks her lips when she likes something yummy
Bounces up and down and screams when she gets excited
Waves her hand in front of her nose and says "Whew-ee" when we aske if she is poopy
Grabs my finger so that I will follow her somewhere
Takes her dirty diaper and throws it in the trash
Plugs her nose when I say, plug your nose
Blows bubbles in the water
Plays peek-a-boo (puts her hands over her eyes, or mommas eyes, pulls them away, and says Eee shis...which means..."There she is")
Grunts when she picks heavy stuff
Copys when we coughs, laughs, and anything else she can say/do
Does things to scare herself so she can turn around and run (literally book it) to momma for hugs
Gives kisses willingly. If she sees someone crying or sad, she will walks up to that person and give kisses...to stuffed animals too
Gives knuckles and high-five
Points to her eyes, ears, nose, mouth, teeth, lips, chin, and everything else she knows
Goes to get her shoes out of her closet in her room when we say "you wanna go outide?"
Takes the keys out of the bowl on the table and tries to put them in the door
Blows kisses when we tell her night night
Waves bye bye
Knocks on the door
When we read a book, if she gets to a familiar page, she will mimick hand gestures or words
Says Amen and folds her arms
Wipes her nose with tissues or wipes
Picks everything off the floor and hands it to you (she learned that from daddy, he is a clean freak)
If she sees me wiping down the appliances or mopping the floor she will insist that she has a towel to do it herself
If she is holding a stuffed animal and I say "rock the baby" she will grab it with both arms and rock it back and forth
Bring a small ball to you and turn around and back up so she can sit down on it and bounce
Does tuck, pike, straddle
If I have her in the shower, she will stick her tongue out and try to catch water on it
If I say "roll" she will stands in front of me and puts her hands on the floor with her legs straight and butt in the air and her head on the floor and I have to help her do a sommersault.
She loves watching football with daddy
Wont sit still for nothing =)
Sticks her hands in the air when we say "touchdown"
EATS EVERYTHING...and a lot of it
Holds stuff up to her mouth and grunts because she likes the way it sounds
Changes the channel (or so she thinks, really just pushing buttons on the channel changer)
Loves her evening walks with momma and daddy
Pretends like she is lifting weights when she gets in the garage
When swimming, I will sing "ring around the rosies" and when we get to "all fall down" I will take her under water and she will blow bubbles out of her nose
Brushes mommas hair and puts on her make up (for pretend)
Pushes chairs across the floor because it makes a loud sound
Runs away screaming and laughing when we say "Im gonna get you!!!" (so cute)
Is SO tickleish
Loves sweets! =)
Knocks on the wall when we put her in her crib (this freaked us out the first time she did this because we had no idea she was awake and all the sudden we heard knocking and scared us to death)
Runs back and forth in her crib
Loves sleeping with all her stuffed animals all over her and her favorite, her bunny, on her face
Loves pointing to pictures of family and having me tell her who it is...if it is her, she will point to herself
Knocks on doors, rings door bells, turns on and off lights and anything else that turns off and on
When I get my nail polish out, she will take out a color out and pretend paint her toes
Helps clean up her room
Closes doors and drawers when I say close/open
Puts on her headband (usually ends up over her eyes)
Pulls EVERYTHING out of the cupboard (usually big bowls) and bangs on them like drums, or puts them on her head like a hat
Brings me books if she wants to read
Follows mom and dad around everywhere
Likes to wear glasses/sunglasses
If she spills, I will give her a rag and ask her to clean it up and she will
When I put her down for a nap, she will spend sometimes an hour in there just playing and talking and I go to peek my head in to see what she is doing and she will hurry and lay down again like she is sleeping so I don't see she is awake!
When I get her up in the morning she always has so much to say.
I ask her to go sit down in her chair so we can eat and she will take the tray off, sit down, and try to put the tray on, then she will sign food.
Drinks bath water (not very funny, actually kind of gross, but what can I do)
Hits her chest and howls like Tarzan
Puts on different shoes becasue she can't decide on which one to wear
Puts my phone in her shirt because thats what mommy does
Walks backwards towards a little can we have sitting on the floor until she feels it behind her legs and then sits down on it. Sometimes she will go grab a book and "read" it while on the can.
Get toilet paper off the holder and hand it to me and as I do my business she will wave her hand in front of her nose and say..."Whew wee" (stinky mom!
That is all I can think of right now. Here are some cute pics of the last few weeks
We got her some new Sunday shoesThis is the face I see when she gets into the cupboards and pulls everything out...you should see the mess she made
The "life sized" Pooh Bear she likes to wrestle with
We were hanging out at Grammys and she saw an aunt
A fathers love
Waiting at the Dr and reading her fav book, Goodnight MoonShe LOVES shoes. She couldn't decide on which shoe to wear so she wore both! =)
Hangin out with her friends, Calan and Pooh
Beautiful blue eyes
She likes to try on sunglasses and regular glasses...these are daddys glasses
She LOVES animals. I will take her on walks and she will make animal noises as we see them...dogs, horses, pigs, etc.
We LOVE this little smarty pants!
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4 years ago
smarty is right!! Why isn't she reading yet? J/K!! She is so cute and smart I love it!
Awww... Sweet post.
Ha ha ha... an "aunt"...
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