Thursday, May 29, 2008

Ryah's Arrival

Ok, so she is not here yet! (I wish) But I gathered some predictions on when she will be coming. If you would like to make a prediction, respond and I will edit this post as I get the predictions. Make sure you include a date and time. Her original due date is June 30th.

Grandma Sherie: June 15th 3:32am
Aunt Carrie: June 22nd 8:30am
Aunt Breann: June 22nd 2:24pm
Aunt Beth: June 23rd 5:30am
Dad (Brian): June 24th 5:39am
Grandma Frost: June 24th 10:30am
Auntie Danielle: June 25th 6:06pm
Uncle Paul: June 26th 3:33pm
Aunt Sherece: June 27th 12:27 am
Mom (Brooke): June 28th 6:18am
Uncle David: June 30th 4:57pm
Unlce Tyler: June 30th 3:35pm
Aunt Ashleigh: July 1st 7:32pm
Uncle Donny: July 2nd 3:15 pm
Aunt Nikki: July 4th 7:48am


Jeff and Ashleigh said...

Awww.. I'm the only one who thinks she'll come late. :( But come on... one day isn't really late! I just think she'll have a July birthday. Although if you go by family history, your prediction for about a week early may not be far off.

The Wagners said...

Ok, I think July 4th, at 7:48 am, because then it would be 7/4/08 at 7:48! I think that would be a cool birthday and because they always say most girls go late with their first. Although, I don't wish going late on anyone, so let's hope that I'm wrong.

Brooke and Brian said...

Haha, yeah let's hope I don't go that late. If I do, I will come after personally! ;)

Jeff and Ashleigh said...

But July 4th would be super awesome because I could be there!! And it's really not that late... even though if you do go that long, it will feel like FOREVER! Okay, so with my non-twin pregnancies, I was 6 days early (Sarah) and 10 days early (Audrey). They say to look at family history to predict when yours will come... you should ask mom.

hollysboys said...

ok i just saw your belly slide show. that is the cutest. i dont think i even have any pics being prego, i think its because we didnt have a panoramic lense and i was too wide for a regular camera! anywho they are totally cute.
oh and my guess is 10 days early!!