Wednesday, May 21, 2008

You gotta love Craigslist and Baby Showers!

Ryah's crib I bought for $70 bucks off Craigslist!

Thanks Beth for the bedding!

I love pokladots! And pink and brown!

Her changing table I bought for $45 off Cralgslist!
It just happened to match the crib PERFECTLY!

Bright Pink everywhere, she is definitely a girl!

Little Ryah's nursery with furniture in it. We are almost done decorating it, all we need now is a little rocking chair/glider so I can rock her to sleep. We are so excited!


Danielle and Calan said...

Ya so i didn't have time to post all the Hawaii pics so i just posted more yesterday and today so that's how you missed those ones and yeah lets go to Hawaii! :) OMGOSH her room is almost finished! Now all you need is a baby :) I can't believe it's getting so close! Aaaaaah! I CAN'T WAIT! Her room is adorable! Good job B-rook!

Danielle and Calan said...

P.S. I LOVE pokadots and pink and brown too! :)

Danielle and Calan said...

P.S.S. I just noticed that you spelt my name wrong on the blog link... it's Danielle :)

Jeff and Ashleigh said...

Wow. Those really do match perfectly... Cute cute!

The Wagners said...

I LOVE the crib! It's so adorable and the changing table looks realy good with it. At least you don't have to paint that black anymore! If you know anyone else who needs a crib, see if they want an ok looking black one! ;) Anyway, her room looks amazing, I'm so jealous!!! I wish I could decorate Tayson's room!

Brooke and Brian said...

Haha, yeah, I will. Maybe I will try to make it look good still and see if anyone wants it then. I feel bad, thanks for letting me use it, even though I didn't use it!

*Ashley said...

This is SO dang cute!! I'm so glad you're posting pics of it! I'm so excited for you!!

So yeah, the layout's supposed to be transparent but I think I'll make you a new one to match Ryah's room just 'cause I love ya! ;)